Yellow perch, bluegills, rock bass, pumpkinseeds, white suckers and a lot of redhorse suckers help to sustain the muskie population. One reason the muskies are doing so well is the forage base, according to Cwalinski. Muskies swim this section of river before it empties out into Lake Huron. The river widens at the dam to nearly 100 feet before continuing its course to the Cheboygan River. The Alverno Dam is located downstream west of Gaynard Road in Cheboygan County and prevents migrating fish from moving upstream. The river flows into the southeast portion of Black Lake and outflows on the southern end. The 10-mile stretch of Black River downstream of Black Lake is where muskie hunters tangle with good-sized Great Lakes-strain muskies. Public ramp access is on the northeast corner in Black Lake State Forest Campground. Depths plummet to 50 feet with areas to weedy cover.

Black Lake covers 10,130 acres in Cheboygan and Presque Isle counties.

Good spawning habitat throughout the lower river reaches and Black Lake helps sustain the population, according to Cwalinski.